Dr. Peyton Berookim, your preferred Los Angeles Gastroenterologist, wants you to know the constipation is nothing to be ashamed of.
In fact, many people worldwide suffer from the gassy and bloated feelings of constipation. He wants you to know that you don’t have to continue suffering indefinitely from constipation; there are natural remedies that can relieve you of your pain. Here are our 5 recommended fixes to constipation.
1. Eat More Fiber
Fiber is an excellent way to prevent constipation, or relieve yourself from it if you have it. Did you know that there are two types of fiber? They’re called soluble and insoluble fiber. Both prevent constipation, but have some minute differences. Soluble fiber makes waste softer and larger, which makes it easier to eventually pass. Insoluble fiber adds more weight to your waste, which also helps you pass it easier.
2. Eat Constipation-Preventing Foods
There are several foods that are not only packed with fiber, but several other minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that aid in reliving constipation. Try eating foods like prunes, pears, flax seeds, carrots, peaches, and figs. Incorporating these into your diet might end constipation for you all together.
3. Drink Herbal Teas
Did you know that many teas also aid in preventing and treating constipation? Try drinking dandelion, peppermint, green, black, or fennel seed tea. All of those teas act as natural laxatives. Additionally, sipping warm water throughout the day can relieve constipation.
4. Regularly Exercise
Don’t be sedentary! Just sitting around promotes constipation. Make sure that you are always active at least once per day. Try running or jogging. Perhaps try stretching or swimming. Essentially, any exercise will make it so that your digestive track empties itself out consistently.
5. Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol dehydrates the body by removing electrolytes; electrolytes help to keep your waste moist. Removing them results in less flexible waste that is hard to pass.