If you have ever dreaded taking the stairs the day after an intense workout, you probably understand that your muscles can give you ample feedback about how you’re feeling. Your muscles are able to give you insight about your body’s health. So what are those shaky muscles, cramps and aches trying to tell you? Here are a few things you can learn from your muscles:
“You’re Becoming Sick”
If your muscles are aching for no particular reason, they may be trying to warn you that you’re getting sick. The inflammatory response from the body to fight a virus is what causes your muscles to ache. Feelings of nausea or lethargy are further signs that you may be under the weather. Los Angeles Colonoscopy
“You Pulled Something”
It is important to distinguish the difference between a sore muscle and a pulled muscle. The pain of a pulled muscle is often experienced immediately. A sore muscle may not appear for as long as 72 hours after a workout. It is crucial to avoid working out the strained muscle. Instead, keep the affected area elevated and iced. Be sure to get plenty of rest and take small doses of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication if needed. If the problem persists for a week’s time, seek medical attention.
“Take A Break”
When you subject your muscles to a strenuous workouts, they receive small micro-tears, often referred to as DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness. Your body builds muscle as it repairs these tears over time. This is why recovery should be a pivotal part of your fitness routine. Try taking a warm bath or getting a light massage to help reduce the soreness.
“You’ve Reached Your Limit”
Your muscles shaking during a workout is a good thing but exercise should never be painful. If your muscles shake that means you are working hard enough to make progress. As you build muscle the shakiness will lessen. It is important to listen to your body as it can warn you that an injury is occurring or is about to occur. Los Angeles Colonoscopy
“You’re Dehydrated”
A cramp occurs through the involuntary contraction of a muscle. Dehydration can increase your risk of muscle cramps. Alcohol consumption from the night before can also intensify these effects. Alcohol is a diuretic and induces an inflammatory response, making it harder to stay hydrated. Take breaks to re-hydrate and avoid exercising in extreme heat to reduce your risk of cramping.