Though many people think that it is normal to feel lazy and sleepy after a meal, it is not. The feeling you are having can be called “food coma.” If you find yourself eating healthily and proportionately, then the problem that you are experiencing deals with digestion.
Listed below are 3 unhealthy habits that doctors suggest straying from during your next meal:
Starch+ Protein
Though the two may sound phenomenal together, in reality they are not. Perfect examples of what our society views as delicious and complementary include burgers and fries, steak and potatoes, spaghetti and meatballs, and fried chicken and fries. All of the preceding meals contain large amounts of starch and protein; unfortunately the outcome will likely be indigestion or acid reflux.
Instead, have your starch first and later eat your protein. Or, if you’d like eat your vegetables with starch or protein.
Drinking ice water alongside your meal
Though in the USA drinking ice water is the norm, it is not best for you while eating. The temperature of the water greatly affects the way your body digests food. Your body is tasked with digesting food and regulating the temperature of your body (the cold water needs to be warmed).
Instead, drink hot water with lemon or hot tea, these beverages will help optimize the process of digestion.
Cups and cups and cups of water
Of course, drinking lots of water is great for you, but not while you eat. The reason why you should not drink lots of water while you drink is because the water dilutes the acids in your stomach; now breaking down food is a difficult task for your stomach.
Instead, you can drink lots water before you meal or afterward. Waiting before your meal or after your meal gives you body time for the water to pass through your system making it possible for the acid in your stomach to break down the food at a faster rate. Give yourself an hour in between drinking water and eating food.