These foods will help you achieve a quick detox.
The weekend came and went while you were busy being not so kind to your body. It’s Monday and you feel bloated and hungover because of the weekend festivities. The day passes slowly and you feel a bit better, not great, but good enough. You promise that you won’t do this to yourself, but promises are sometimes broken.
Colonoscopy Doctor, Dr. Berookim, recommends that people detox their bodies to remove harmful toxins.
A yellowish spice that is normally found in curry, turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps relieve bothersome symptoms. Turmeric lowers blockage that occurs in the bile duct and helps reduce liver scarring.
Drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy foods during the cold months increases weight, and the fat absorbed can lead to liver cancer. Eating almonds helps reduce the amount of fat that surrounds the liver and could lead to healthier liver functioning when joined with diet and exercise.
Dr. Berookim a Colonoscopy Doctor in Los Angeles shared that if your stomach is sending you bad messages, eat some guacamole instead. Guacamole when mixed with cilantro helps calm your stomach.
When the festivities are over and your body is trying to get back to normal, do it a favor and eat some steamed asparagus. Asparagus contains amino acids and minerals that help with hangover symptoms and protect organs from further damage.
Collard Greens
A favorite of the American South, this vegetable helps reduce the bad cholesterol found in your body. Steamed collard greens are so effective at reducing cholesterol that it beat pharmaceutical cholesterol medication in a recent study.
When deciding what to eat, try some salmon. It’s delicious and good for you. The omega 3 fatty acids found in salmon have been shown to repair arterial elasticity which allows for better blood flow. It has even been shown to help repair damage done by smoking and other bad and unhealthy habits.