Constipation is one of the most common medical conditions in the world. Colonoscopy Beverly Hills suggest natural remedies to alleviate this problem. Before we discuss the different types of natural remedies, it’s important to understand constipation.
What is Constipation?
As we consume food, our digestive system breaks down the food for our body to absorb all of the water and nutrients. Our bodies can’t break down all of the food, so it turns the leftovers into stool.
Once the stool forms, the muscles in your intestines contact to push the stool through the colon and out of the body.
When you are constipated, the muscles working to push the stool are underperforming, resulting in irregular bowel movements. Symptoms of constipation include difficult and painful stool passage, hard stools, less than three bowel movements per week, and straining while passing stools.
One of the most common causes of constipation is diet. Constipation is often a result of eating too many processed foods. Consuming more whole foods will significantly help your digestion.
Laxatives are a short-term solution to constipation. And they also come along with harmful chemicals and side effects. Luckily, colonoscopy Beverly Hills has some natural remedies that can help alleviate constipation.
Raisins are naturally high in fiber, and they contain tartaric acid which has a laxative effect. Dried fruits like prunes and apricots are also high in fiber. You can add dried fruits to a bowl of yogurt which is full of soothing probiotics.
Lemon Water
Drinking lemon water can help rid your body of toxins providing constipation relief. The citric acid in lemon juice stimulates your digestive system. The addition of lemon to your water every morning acts as a natural relief to your constipation.
Castor Oil
Take 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach. Around eight hours later you will see results. A component found in castor oil breaks down into a substance at stimulates the intestines.
It doesn’t have to be a hardcore workout. Even a daily 15-minute walk can help push food through your digestive system. Do not nap after a heavy meal. Move around and stay active! Exercise can jumpstart the digestive process.
Natural remedies may not have the most immediate results, colonoscopy Beverly Hills recommends them. Natural remedies are significantly safer than laxatives. They provide health benefits and the same results as laxatives.
About Dr. Peyton P. Berookim
Dr. Peyton P. Berookim is an award-winning colonoscopy Beverly Hills doctor. The colonoscopy Beverly Hills doctor has been providing excellent gastroenterology care for years. If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of constipation contact Dr. Peyton P. Berookim today at 310.271.1122, or visit him in-person at 150 N Robertson Blvd, Suite #204, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.