colonoscopy losangeles

Breath Tests

colonoscopy los angeles

“Breath testing is a non-invasive and effective diagnostic tool.” – Colonoscopy Los Angeles team

The hydrogen breath test is a simple diagnostic procedure that measures hydrogen in the breath to test for food intolerances and bacterial imbalances. Breath tests provide valuable insight and enable doctors to better diagnose and treat patients. Colonoscopy Los Angeles expert, Dr. Peyton Berookim uses breath testing to diagnose a number of different conditions:


Lactose Hydrogen Breath Test

Thirty to fifty million Americans are lactose intolerant. Through lactose breath testing, Dr. Berookim is able to verify whether or not a patient is able to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and milk products. During this 5-minute in-office test:

  • You will drink a lactose-heavy beverage 3 hours before your office visit.
  • You will breathe into a testing bag and the amount of hydrogen in your breath will be analyzed.


Fructose Hydrogen Breath Test

Patients suffering from fructose malabsorption are unable to properly digest sugars often found in fruits, vegetables, and sweeteners. Similar to lactose hydrogen breath test, during this 5-minute in-office test:

  • You will drink a fructose-heavy beverage 3 hours before your office visit.
  • You will breathe into a testing bag and the amount of hydrogen in your breath will be analyzed.


Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test

Patients with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) may experience excessive gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. At our colonoscopy Los Angeles facility, Dr. Berookim uses the highly accurate Quintron testing device to measure the presence of gases (like hydrogen and methane) in breath. During the lactulose hydrogen breath test:

  • You will drink a beverage containing lactulose.
  • You will breathe into a testing bag every 15 minutes over a 2-hour period.


Urea Breath Test

The bacteria Helicobacter pylori (or H. pylori) causes chronic inflammation and is associated with several health conditions, such as peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. Intestinal infection of H. pylori breaks urea down into carbon dioxide. During the 15-minute urea breath test:

  • You will take a urea tablet.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide in your breath will be analyzed.


Contact Us Today!

All of the above hydrogen breath tests are performed by the Colonoscopy Los Angeles team. To learn more about Dr. Berookim and this rapid diagnostic procedure, call 310.271.1122.
