Covid-19 has taken the world by storm and rightfully so. The medical community is busy helping the world survive this pandemic, which is not only affecting our health, but also the economy, education, and life in all other regards. It is for this reason that most of us are neglecting to cater to our vitality through health procedures such as colon cancer screenings. Most of these health procedures that are important to our wellbeing are being postponed or even forgotten, as most people are losing sense of time in the covid craze.
With the virus taking over in March, colon cancer screening in Los Angeles has declined approximately 66 percent. The decrease of screenings is very concerning because colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of deaths among men and women in the United States.
It’s crucial for younger demographics to be aware of the symptoms and causes of colorectal cancer. Symptoms include continuous changes in bowel habits, weakness, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and rectal bleeding. Some of the common causes of this cancer include consumption of red meat, processed foods, less fiber, heavy alcohol, and obesity.
Check out this link to see Dr. Berookim getting his colonoscopy:
Usually, younger patients find out about their diagnoses in advanced stages, making it extremely important to get the procedure done every so often. The problem is that many people are scared to go to the doctor during the pandemic and also dread the idea of getting a colonoscopy. However, the procedure is not as uncomfortable as one may think and takes approximately 20-45 minutes to complete.
In the video above, Dr. Peyton Berookim is getting his colonoscopy done to practice prevention. He is doing great and feels fine after his colon cancer screening in Los Angeles.
Please contact your doctor if you have any symptoms or are curious about this colon cancer screening. It is important to understand that medical centers have adopted the necessary protocols to keep clients and themselves safe during this pandemic.