Most esophageal cancers cannot be diagnosed until later because symptoms may not appear until the late stages. See all the common symptoms to watch out for and detect signs of cancer early provided by our Los Angeles colonoscopy expert.
Trouble Swallowing
Having difficulty swallowing is a common symptom of esophageal cancer and should not be taken lightly. Medically known as dysphagia, this will feel like food is stuck in the chest or throat. Problems with swallowing can start mild but get exponentially worse over time, as the esophagus opening grows smaller. Your body will notice that there are issues with passing food along and will make more saliva. This can cause thick mucus or saliva to build up.
Chest Pain
Some people will have pain or discomfort near the center of their chest. Our Los Angeles colonoscopy expert notes that it may also feel like pressure or burning. This symptom is generally associated with other chest-related issues such as heartburn. A key difference is that pain might be felt immediately after swallowing, as food will agitate the tumor.
Losing Weight
Around 50% of people with esophageal cancer will lose weight without attempting to. People having difficulty swallowing will change their diet and decrease their food intake. People may avoid bread and meats in their diet as these foods most commonly get stuck. In fact, it has been known for some people to switch from solid food to a completely liquid diet. Cancer can also cause an increase in metabolism, but a decrease in appetite.
Black Stool
Another symptom of esophageal cancer is bleeding into the esophagus. Blood then passes down the body and through the digestive tract, causing black stool. This blood loss can cause anemia and will cause a person to feel lethargic for no reason.
Oral Symptoms
Besides trouble swallowing, there are other possible symptoms of esophageal cancer related to the throat such as hoarse throat, chronic coughing, vomiting, and hiccups. Our Los Angeles colonoscopy expert specializes in the prevention of esophageal cancer.
About Dr. Berookim
Peyton P. Berookim is a top-choice Los Angeles colonoscopy expert who serves patients around the Los Angeles area. He specializes in colonoscopies near Los Angeles and is a highly-ranked gastroenterologist. Our excellent Los Angeles colonoscopy expert is located at 150 N Robertson Blvd, Suite 204, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. For further advice or assistance, please contact his team at 310-271-1122 or email