As a colonoscopy doctor in Los Angeles, most patients come see me when it’s either too late or when they’re already experiencing major symptoms of discomfort.
Most patients book an appointment to see a gastroenterologist when either too late, or the discomfort is causing them to disrupt their daily tasks. However, these are some signs you can detect early on that allows you to know when you should see a gastroenterologist before it’s too late.
1. Black Bowel Movements
Most often, a bloody stool is a sure sign that you should see a gastroenterologist. A bloody stool is signified by either a bright red color or a deep dark, almost black, color. Bleeding in the rectum is never normal, even if it’s painless. Rectal bleeding that is continuous, and not associated with hemorrhoids, should be seen by a gastroenterologist.
2. Lump In Your Throat
A lump in your throat doesn’t just mean you’re anxious. If you’re having a hard time swallowing your food continuously, it could mean there’s a deeper problem with your digestive system. Most often, this issue becomes so problematic that patients have a hard time even swallowing water. If you’re having a hard time swallowing food and it’s accompanied by symptoms such as coughing, hiccuping, or hoarseness in your voice, this could mean early signs of esophageal cancer.
3. Sudden Weight Loss
Sudden weight loss can be alarming, especially if you aren’t on a new diet or workout plan. If you notice you’re experiencing drastic weight loss, see a physician as soon as you can. Our colonoscopy doctor in Los Angeles finds that weight loss can be a symptom of other underlying health problems. These problems can include but are not limited to cancer, Crohn’s disease, and other digestive system disorders.
About GI Doctor:
As a colonoscopy doctor in Los Angeles, Dr. Peyton Berookim is committed to treating any type of gastroenterological issues. Our practice detects more malignant polyps in patients than any other GI specialist. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates and health tips.