An upset stomach, sharp abdominal pain, and constipation can all become somewhat commonplace for some individuals. Thanks to poor food choices and unhealthy diets, these issues can worsen and occur with more and more frequency. When is it time to see an irritable bowel syndrome specialist?
Although some people may push aside and ignore their gastrointestinal pain, there is a point when you should seek professional medical counsel. Leading Los Angeles gastroenterologist Dr. Peyton Berookim answers an important question: How do I know when it is time to see an irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) specialist for my gastrointestinal troubles?
Some symptoms of IBS include:
- Abdominal Pain
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Gassiness
- Nausea
- Mucus in stool
- Feelings of an incomplete bowel movement
If symptoms persist after a month, it is highly recommended you see an IBS specialist. Try to keep a symptom log to bring to any specialist appointments, including food intake and reactions. Although these are common symptoms of IBS, the causes can range. A gastroenterologist can help evaluate your intestine health and make recommendations based on your symptoms and lifestyle.
See a gastroenterologist if any of the following occur:
- Symptoms from a recent diagnosis of IBS worsen. This includes interfering with your daily activities.
- You are unable to sleep through the night due to symptoms.
- Sudden or unexplained weight loss.
- Localized pain in your stomach.
- Bloody stool.
- Abdomen pain that is not relieved after passing gas or stool.
Being diagnosed with IBS does not prevent other intestinal diseases from occurring. See a medical professional to avoid a delayed diagnosis. Make an appointment online today.
About Dr. Peyton Berookim
Dr. Peyton Berookim is a gastroenterologist Los Angeles expert who specializes in high-quality patient care. He is double-certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Gastroenterology. To learn more about Dr. Berookim and his practice, visit his website at For the latest medical news and more health tips, follow him on Facebook: