As one of the best gastroenterologists in Los Angeles, my job is to provide the best advice when it comes to anything that may affect the digestive system.
A gluten-free diet has become more popular in the past couple of years. The main two reasons are due to the trendiness of it, or because of gluten-free allergies. Gluten is a different type of protein which is found in food products such as wheat, grains, and cereals. Gluten sustains the elasticity in food products and is what makes certain products, such as bread, chewy.
Health Benefits

A gluten-free diet has many health benefits. It helps improve cholesterol levels, increasing energy levels, and promoting digestive health. Having a gluten-free diet makes you be healthy. This is because a majority of fried foods have gluten in it due to the breading, so fried foods will be off-limits on this new diet plan. In a sense, it is a win-win situation as you are removing gluten from your diet and forced to eat more healthy items.
Fruits and Vegetables

Processed foods will most likely be banned from your diet once you commit to a gluten-free diet. You will be more likely to eat fruits and vegetables, as these food items have less starch and no gluten, more than any other food items. Fruits and vegetables have a majority of benefits such as they are full of antioxidants and contain essential vitamins and minerals.
Proceed With Caution
Due to the new gluten-free trend that has been occurring, a lot of food products have been adopting a “gluten-free” label onto their products. Most of the times, these companies are lying to sell their products. If you are trying to adopt a gluten-free diet for health purpose, proceed with caution. You should be aware as to what items have gluten and research ingredients before consuming a product.
About GI Doctor:
Considered by most as the best gastroenterologist in Los Angeles, Dr. Berookim’s practice has grown throughout the years. Our practice helps patients with detecting polyps, conducting colonoscopies, and various other services. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more details.